Durul DalkanatRiverpod Deep Dive: Choosing Between StateNotifier and NotifierThere are 5 top Flutter State Management solutions. Riverpod is a state management library inspired by Provider. But Riverpod introduces…Sep 41Sep 41
Durul DalkanatCustom Optionals in Swift: Implementing Your Own Optional TypeSwift’s Optional type is a powerful feature that helps us to write safer code by explicitly handling the presence or absence of a value…Jul 12Jul 12
Durul DalkanatSaving an Array of Codable Objects in SwiftUI’s @AppStorageAs we know SwiftUI’s @AppStorage property wrapper is a convenient way to persist simple data types like strings, integers, and booleans…Jun 131Jun 131
Durul DalkanatKeeping User Data Private with SwiftUI’s redacted ModifierIn iOS our apps handle sensitive user information, so it’s crucial to take steps to protect that data from being inadvertently exposed.Jun 61Jun 61
Durul DalkanatSwiftUI Sheet with ScrollView like in Apple MapsI decided to write this article after answering a question at the Stackoverflow.Jun 3Jun 3
Durul DalkanatConcurrentPerform vs. For-Loop with Concurrent Async in iOSIn iOS development, concurrency is crucial when dealing with asynchronous operations. These operations can include network requests, file…May 28May 28
Durul DalkanatDisplaying Badges in SwiftUIIn SwiftUI, badges are often used to display supplementary information or status indicators alongside a view component. They can help us…May 27May 27
Durul DalkanatSupercharging SwiftUI Views with the .compositingGroup() ModifierWhen building user interfaces with SwiftUI, you may encounter situations where you need to apply effects or transformations to a group of…May 251May 251
Durul DalkanatCreating 3D Perspective Effects with SwiftUI’s ProjectionEffectOne of the most powerful features of SwiftUI is its ability to apply visual effects to views in a concise and declarative way. While many…May 23May 23
Durul DalkanatCreating a Layered Apple Logo Effect with SwiftUISwiftUI is an incredibly powerful framework for building user interfaces across all Apple platforms. While it shines for constructing…May 23May 23